List of my favorite blogs

These are online resources that great information and educational value

February 27, 2024

Online Resources I Find Helpful

Title and Author Description and/or Extra Material
Introduction to Modern Causal Inference by Alejandro Schuler. Such a fantastic general introduction to casual thinking from a more technical viewpoint. It is a work in progress
Statistics Notes in the BMJ An online repository of all the Statistics notes published in the BMJ by Martin Bland and the late Doug Altman. What a treasure trove.
Notes and resources by David Freedman Page with links to many of the late David Freedman’s notes and papers, which are quite high quality.
Improving Your Statistical Inferences by Daniel Lakens. Its a great resource for understanding more about epistemology and how it relates to statistical inference. It is a work in progress, but has exercises and is reasonably regularly updated
The Harrell-verse The Frank Harrell Jr. universe for stats education. Included gems like Biostatistic for Biomedical Researchers, links to his frequented sites, rec’d blogs, etc.
Interactive Linear Algebra Book Understanding Linear Algebra and Immersive Linear Algebra Interested in learning linear algebra? Want to have an interactive textbook the allow manipulation of 3-d objects? These are the best resources I’ve found.
Linear Algebra for Data Science By a UNC graduate in Stat and Operations Research, Shaina Race Bennett. It’s a fantastic introduction to linear algebra and the immediate relevance for statistics.
Math Basics Online Calc 1-3 and differential equations textbook with review of algebra and trig. Nice because it is fairly in depth and included proofs (where other books fail)
R-Universe Searchable database of R packages. Nice and visually appealing, and nice to search than CRAN
Draw Data Have data in mind, and want a dataset to exist with data in a specific pattern? Well here you can draw the pattern and output a dataset to correspond with that pattern.
UNC Causal Inference Research Group The research group of which I am a member. Has monthly talks. Victor Schoenbach’s page of resources. Vic was a professor of epidemiology at UNC for many years, and this is also a treasure trove of material.
R Pscyhologist Visualizations of many statistical phenomena with interactive shiny based widgets. Great for education
SticiGui Online statistics textbook by Philip Stark at Berkeley. I really enjoy that it covers a first course in stats, but also included logic and set theory instead of glossing over that.
Stephen Senn’s Blog Post list and Statistics Notes Stephen Senn is a exceptionally accomplished statistician. This is his own collated list of things he has written about that is available on the internet. Highly recommended
The Effect Nick Huntington Klein’s The Effet book available free online. If you like it I strongly suggest supporting the author by purchasing a copy
DAGs from Hernan and Robins and Causal Inference Book Part I – Glossary and Notes Put together by Sam Finlayson, this is a nice collated list of DAGs and concepts from Hernan and Robins textbook. The rest of the posts are quite good too, but I found these most useful.
R coding of Statistical Rethinking First Edition and Second Edition Coding of Richard McElreaths statistical Rethinkgin book using brms package in R. Its fantastic.
Hernan and Robins in R and/or stata exercises Want to follow along with the book and avoid SAS, this is a resource for you!
Statistical Proofs Cool open source repository of statistical proofs. Nice resource for sure. Cannot vouch for validity of each of the proofs though since I haven’t looked at them all
Real Analysis Online Textbook I haven’t take real analysis, but am interested in learning and this is a nice resource I am working through. Recommended!
Mathematical Statistics Nice online source for a first pass math stat course. Not fully comprehensive, but a nice explanation regardless.


Title and Author Description and/or Extra Material
Zad Chow’s Less Likey Blog Such great content here including my favorite, his S Value post and S value calculator
Jonathan Bartlett The Stats Geek Blog
Andrew Gelman’s Blog Short, sweet, thought provoking posts.
Simply Statistics Blog A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek
R Bloggers Great blog that highlights posts that cover new R packages, analysis methods, etc.
Frank Harrell’s Blog Posts
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis Great blog but hasnt been updated in awhile
Solomon Kurtz’s Blog Fantastic blog, bayesian heavy. With R code works through different analyses.
datamethods Not really a blog, but a discussion board where epi/biostat issues are discussed. Really fantastic rabbit hole.

Societies Worth Joining, imo (i.e., I am a member of)

Name Description
Society for Causal Inference Relatively new society but worth joining to gain access to growing content
Society for Epidemiologic Research(SER) Good organization for those interested in epi research, particularly if there is interest in methods
American Statistical Association Interested in statistics or biostat? This is self explanatory

…more to come


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Feeney, Timothy},
  title = {List of My Favorite Blogs},
  date = {2024-02-27},
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For attribution, please cite this work as:
Feeney, Timothy. 2024. “List of My Favorite Blogs.” February 27, 2024.