Online Resources I Find Helpful
Title and Author | Description and/or Extra Material |
Introduction to Modern Causal Inference | by Alejandro Schuler. Such a fantastic general introduction to casual thinking from a more technical viewpoint. It is a work in progress |
Statistics Notes in the BMJ | An online repository of all the Statistics notes published in the BMJ by Martin Bland and the late Doug Altman. What a treasure trove. |
Notes and resources by David Freedman | Page with links to many of the late David Freedman’s notes and papers, which are quite high quality. |
Improving Your Statistical Inferences | by Daniel Lakens. Its a great resource for understanding more about epistemology and how it relates to statistical inference. It is a work in progress, but has exercises and is reasonably regularly updated |
The Harrell-verse | The Frank Harrell Jr. universe for stats education. Included gems like Biostatistic for Biomedical Researchers, links to his frequented sites, rec’d blogs, etc. |
Interactive Linear Algebra Book Understanding Linear Algebra and Immersive Linear Algebra | Interested in learning linear algebra? Want to have an interactive textbook the allow manipulation of 3-d objects? These are the best resources I’ve found. |
Linear Algebra for Data Science | By a UNC graduate in Stat and Operations Research, Shaina Race Bennett. It’s a fantastic introduction to linear algebra and the immediate relevance for statistics. |
Math Basics | Online Calc 1-3 and differential equations textbook with review of algebra and trig. Nice because it is fairly in depth and included proofs (where other books fail) |
R-Universe | Searchable database of R packages. Nice and visually appealing, and nice to search than CRAN |
Draw Data | Have data in mind, and want a dataset to exist with data in a specific pattern? Well here you can draw the pattern and output a dataset to correspond with that pattern. |
UNC Causal Inference Research Group | The research group of which I am a member. Has monthly talks. | | Victor Schoenbach’s page of resources. Vic was a professor of epidemiology at UNC for many years, and this is also a treasure trove of material. |
R Pscyhologist | Visualizations of many statistical phenomena with interactive shiny based widgets. Great for education |
SticiGui | Online statistics textbook by Philip Stark at Berkeley. I really enjoy that it covers a first course in stats, but also included logic and set theory instead of glossing over that. |
Stephen Senn’s Blog Post list and Statistics Notes | Stephen Senn is a exceptionally accomplished statistician. This is his own collated list of things he has written about that is available on the internet. Highly recommended |
The Effect | Nick Huntington Klein’s The Effet book available free online. If you like it I strongly suggest supporting the author by purchasing a copy |
DAGs from Hernan and Robins and Causal Inference Book Part I – Glossary and Notes | Put together by Sam Finlayson, this is a nice collated list of DAGs and concepts from Hernan and Robins textbook. The rest of the posts are quite good too, but I found these most useful. |
R coding of Statistical Rethinking First Edition and Second Edition | Coding of Richard McElreaths statistical Rethinkgin book using brms package in R. Its fantastic. |
Hernan and Robins in R and/or stata exercises | Want to follow along with the book and avoid SAS, this is a resource for you! |
Statistical Proofs | Cool open source repository of statistical proofs. Nice resource for sure. Cannot vouch for validity of each of the proofs though since I haven’t looked at them all |
Real Analysis Online Textbook | I haven’t take real analysis, but am interested in learning and this is a nice resource I am working through. Recommended! |
Mathematical Statistics | Nice online source for a first pass math stat course. Not fully comprehensive, but a nice explanation regardless. |
Title and Author | Description and/or Extra Material |
Zad Chow’s Less Likey Blog | Such great content here including my favorite, his S Value post and S value calculator |
Jonathan Bartlett The Stats Geek Blog | |
Andrew Gelman’s Blog | Short, sweet, thought provoking posts. |
Simply Statistics Blog | A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek |
R Bloggers | Great blog that highlights posts that cover new R packages, analysis methods, etc. |
Frank Harrell’s Blog Posts | |
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis | Great blog but hasnt been updated in awhile |
Solomon Kurtz’s Blog | Fantastic blog, bayesian heavy. With R code works through different analyses. |
datamethods | Not really a blog, but a discussion board where epi/biostat issues are discussed. Really fantastic rabbit hole. |
Societies Worth Joining, imo (i.e., I am a member of)
Name | Description |
Society for Causal Inference | Relatively new society but worth joining to gain access to growing content |
Society for Epidemiologic Research(SER) | Good organization for those interested in epi research, particularly if there is interest in methods |
American Statistical Association | Interested in statistics or biostat? This is self explanatory |
…more to come
BibTeX citation:
author = {Feeney, Timothy},
title = {List of My Favorite Blogs},
date = {2024-02-27},
url = {},
langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Feeney, Timothy. 2024. “List of My Favorite Blogs.”
February 27, 2024.