List of my favorite resources

The internet has a plethora of resources to learn more about science, math, and other interests. I decided to collate all my favorite sites and posts.

February 27, 2024

Statistical Rethinking

Richard McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking book is famous (at least is seems to be). Its fantastic for both learning statistical thinking, but also learning bayesian analysis from the ground up. The most wonderful part of it, for those of use who havent taken multivariate calculus, is that he teaches without requring it. It also comes paired with a wonderful lecture video series provided for free.

You can also follow him on twitter \(@\)rlmcelreath

Solomon Kurz’s R coding

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Solomon’s main page is here and he offers many great things. If you go to the book length projects site you will see that there are many great reanalysis “books” where Solomon uses tidyverse and ggplot to complete aompanion analysis for John Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, Andrew Hayes’ Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, and of course last but not least the most popular reanalysis, that of Richard McElreath’s (see above) Statistical Rethinking.

Solomon also has a great blog with posts like Make model diagrams, Kruschke style

You can also follow him on twitter \(@\)SolomonKurz

Causal Inference Book

How could I ignore this resource–I would need to be daft to! I used this book by Robins and Hernan extensively during both my intro epi course and my casual inference course while completing my MPH (luckily Hernan was my causal inference instructor). The link to the webpage is here and includes a link to the free pdf and code for SAS, Stata, and R.

There is also a nicely done bookdown project by Malcolm Barrett that works through the coding for the book and is a wonderful companion.

R Psychologist

Wonderful visualizations

Sam Finlayson’s Site


Causal Inference Notes

Stat 110 Probability by Joseph Blitzstein

This is an amazing first course covering probability. Not only does it link to his amazing youtube videos, handouts, practice problems and solutions, a free copy of his book, but it also has the added content from his EdX course. Joe is an amazing resource and I cant recommend all this enough.

You can also follow him on twitter \(@\)stat110

Darren Dahly’s (EH6124) Clinical Trial Design and Analysis course videos

This is a fantastic set of videos introducing the theroy and practice of clinical trials. You can also follow Darren on twitter for added value: \(@\)statsepi

Petersen and Balzer’s Causal Inference Site

Noam Ross’ GAMs in R tutorial

Frank Harrell’s Discourse site: Datamethods

(requires login)

Frank Harrell’s Biostatistics Resources

Regression Modeling Strategies

Biostatistics for Biomedical Research

MIT Open Courseware

Khan Academy

Youtube site here

3Blue1Brown Youtube Videos

Site descirption: 3blue1brown, by Grant Sanderson, is some combination of math and entertainment, depending on your disposition. The goal is for explanations to be driven by animations and for difficult problems to be made simple with changes in perspective.

StatQuest by Josh Starmer

Vanderbilt Biostatistics Resources

Stats Notes in the BMJ

Wonderful list of papers in the BMJ that were written by Doug Altman and Martin Bland.

Jama Guide to Stats and Medicine

*this isnt free, but it quite a good resource particularly is you have institutional or personal JAMA access.

Univ. of Bristol Online Multilevel Modeling Site

The Online course is here The course requires free registration but is absolutely fantastic for learning multilevel modeling.

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Resources:

Stuff to help you learn DAGs.

Title Description
Ellie Murray’s DAGs in LaTex
Maria Glymour’s Paper on DAGs
Malcom Barrett’s DAGTEX
GGDAG packages
Miguel Hernan’s Causal Diagrams: Draw You Assumptions Before Your Conclusions Course (note this is on EdX and requires signing up, which is free)

R Resources

Stuff to help you learn R, the greatest statistical “package.”

Title Description
R for Data Science
by Wickham and Grolemund
Free online book by Hadley, not much else to say
Stat 454
by Jenny Bryan
Prime intro to using R for data analysis
Introduction to Data Science Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R
by Rafael Irizarry
Applied Statistics with R PDF Version for local use
RMarkdown intro
RBasics Tutorial
Xaringan Tutorials here, here and here These are great sources to get started using Xaringan for making slide presentations in R

Git Resources

Stuff to help you learn git, which is something I didn’t find easy.

Title Description
An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)
by Meghan Nelson
Great intro tutorial that walks you through basics of using Git
List of Git Commands Reference for all Git Commands
Git Visual Cheatsheet Visual refence to help understand the git commands
Git cheatsheet Classic cheatsheet of commands

Bash Resources

Stuff to help you learn BASH, which is something I also didn’t find easy.

Title Description
BASH intro video
Regex tutorial tutorials in how to use regular expressions

\(\LaTeX\) Resources

Stuff to help you learn \(\LaTeX\), which can be quite a slog at times.

Title Description
Comprehensive Symbol Sheet

…More to come.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Feeney, Timothy},
  title = {List of My Favorite Resources},
  date = {2024-02-27},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Feeney, Timothy. 2024. “List of My Favorite Resources.” February 27, 2024.